Iskra Books
Issue four is our best and biggest issue of Peace, Land, and Bread yet. We’ve brought back our readers’ favorite authors—Christian Noakes, Jackson Albert Mann, and Amal Samaha, to name but a few—and we’ve packed the pages with incredibly critical, poignant, and important works from Thomas McLamb, Talia Lux, Sam Glasper, and more. Our arts and poetry section is more robust than ever, and contains beautiful works of art from Sindyan, Ian Matchett, M.S. Evans, and others.
This issue reflects the ethos and the character of Peace, Land, and Bread more generally: that is, it is robust, rigorous, poignant, relevant, and timely. And it is emblematic of the iterative process of journal production as well: we've taken what we've learned over this last year and worked to make issue four the best and most comprehensive issue yet.