About Us

Who We Are
Iskra Books is a nonprofit, independent, scholarly publisher—publishing original works of theory, history, ecology, and art, as well as edited collections, new translations, and critical republications of older works. We focus specifically on the progressive and avant-garde nature of working class thought—moving critical scholarship and arts forward in innovative and practical ways. Our mission focuses on moving intellectual production outside of the academy and into the hands of the organizers, activists, educators, and students most actively engaged in real-world struggles for liberation, justice, and equity.
Our Approach to Publishing
We aim to publish the most rigorous and revolutionary works of contemporary critical scholarship, with the intention that our publications serve those involved in real-world liberation struggles. In light of this, we make all of our materials freely available for immediate high-quality PDF download on the same day of print publication—we do not believe in paywalled knowledge: an exploitative and exclusionary practice of publishing that pervades the industry of intellectual production. Further, our print publications are priced well below average market price, and well below even the average list cost of other radical publishers.
We are staffed entirely by a vibrant and lively international collection of early career researchers and scholars, educators and artists, organizers and workers. As an all-volunteer collective, we have funded Iskra Books entirely from our own pockets and from book and print sales. Despite this, we pay high author royalties—50% for authors, editors, and translators, contrasted to a problematic industry standard of 5-10%. While we operate on a budget one might generously call shoestring, we do not believe that the quality of our materials should ever suffer. As such, we aim to publish the highest material quality texts and journals—with regard to both scholarly integrity and aesthetic presentation. Radical publishing has historically been at the forefront of human thought, culture, and design; and Iskra Books continues this brilliant tradition as an act of service for the public good—a labor of love for the love of labor.​
We have nothing to lose but our chains; we have a world to win, and we publish for that world.
Where to Find Us
Information for Readers
Our books can be found through all major online booksellers, such as Barnes and Noble, Blackwell's, Thriftbooks, Indigo, Amazon, and more, as well as through select radical bookstores such as Midnight Books, Mayday Books, Connolly Books, 1804 Books, Orca Books, and others. Additionally, all of our books can be ordered by their ISBN numbers from almost any bookstore connected with Ingram's distribution network. You may find book ISBNs on our landing page, right here.
Enjoy our works? Be sure to ask your local sellers to stock us! We are always looking to build solidarity networks and to collaborate with bookstores, sellers, and community spaces, so please be sure to reach out at inquiries@iskrabooks.org if you are keen to connect.
Information for Booksellers
Our books are available globally through Ingram Content Group's distribution network, and can be ordered through Ingram's website by ISBN. To keep the end-cost of our books financially accessible for readers, we price our publications very close to print cost. Because of this, we are forced to keep our seller discounts a bit lower than industry standard (40% for most titles in the US as opposed to the standard 55%). As a small, not-for-profit, and volunteer-staffed publisher focused on education and community organizing, we do our best to privilege our readers, and general accessibility, over profits.
If you are a small bookseller, please do not hesitate to reach out at inquiries@iskrabooks.org so that we can figure out the best way to get our books into your hands. We offer creative solutions for smaller sellers, comrades, and community organizations, and would be happy to discuss possibilities.
Seller orders website: https://www.ingramcontent.com/
For assistance with Ireland, UK, and other east-of-the-Atlantic orders: ICGUK_CustomerCare@ingramcontent.com
To set up an Ingram seller account: mark.hunt@ingramcontent.com
For inquiries about direct orders: inquiries@iskrabooks.org
Information for Media Inquiries
For events, interviews, review copies, advanced PDFs, or general title inquiries, please contact us at inquiries@iskrabooks.org.
Information for Organizers
As organizers and educators ourselves, we are interested in print media collaborations focused on education, arts, and organizing. Reach out to us at inquiries@iskrabooks.org to discuss potential partnerships and connections for collaborative projects.
Information for Authors
We welcome inquiries, abstracts, and full manuscripts for original works of theory, history, natural science, and arts, new translations, as well as edited collections of older works framed with new forewords or critical introductions. Please visit our submissions page for details, style guide, royalties information, timelines, and more. For questions, contact us at inquiries@iskrabooks.org; for all submissions, please send manuscripts and submission-related documents to submissions@iskrabooks.org.