Iskra Books
Peace! Land! Bread!
These were the rallying cries of the Bolsheviks that united the disparate revolutionary factions of Russia in the early part of the Twentieth Century. Peace for the war-weary; land for the dispossessed; and bread for the hungry. Now, in the early part of the Twenty-First Century—as fascism mutates and reemerges in the form of right-wing nativisms sweeping the globe, entrenched within and complementing the structures of capital—communism once again stands to oppose it: to fight the global darkening at the hand of endless imperial war, climatological and economic dispossessions, and of pervasive food insecurity.
Today, we work to rouse the exploited and exhausted workers and intelligentsia of the world—to show that the Twenty-First Century plagues of capital can be fought with communism. Peace, Land, and Bread must once again be our rallying cry—the rallying cry of socialists everywhere.